Successful people approach problems, issues, challenges differently than most. Most people who run into challenges find it frustrating or impossible to solve. Successful people have a different perspective. They are confident during this hardship and embrace it!
They forgo the negativity that holds most people back, and see it as an excitement, a fun challenge.
Success is driven by a critical distinction of whether you believe that your failures come from personal deficits that are out of your control or mistakes you can fix with effort.
Studies have shown much higher rates of depression in people who attribute failures to others or that it’s just beyond their control. Whereas optimists treat failures as a learning experience to improve further in the future.
To have a successful mindset requires higher emotional intelligence.
People often think optimist or successful people have it easy. Or things come easy to them.
Maintaining that mindset is definitely not easy. But it can be trained, built into a habit and become better. Some people may have to work harder than others, but everyone can improve.
It’s like fitness, if you put in the hard work and dedication, it pays off regardless if your genetics. Unless, you truly have an disorder.
7 common challenges that most of us face and how successful people deal with it.
- Age. Many people let age define them. You hear them say, I’m too young to do this, or I’m already too old for this. These are all excuses as age really is just a number. Successful people don’t let that get in the way of what they want to achieve. They figure a way out! I personally started practicing real estate as a senior in high school. Keep in mind, I had a babyface and looked like I was 15 years old. That didn’t stop me from what I wanted to do, and people seemed to give me more of a chance for my age. Other successful examples of young high powered company founders: Steve Jobs, Mark Zucckerburg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet. People will feel compelled to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. Forget about them, you go do you! Successful people follow their hearts and let their passion lead the way.
- Toxic people. You often hear from successful people, you are the average of the five people you spend most time with. Think about all the recently successful companies that have been built were all with successful group of friends. Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Paypal, Yahoo. Good influence can help you reach your full potential. It goes both ways. If you want to be around toxic/negative people, they will bring you down with them. Whether it’s negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome, or just plain craziness, toxic people create stress and strife that should be avoided at all costs. That’s why your mom always made sure you hungout with the right crowd! It will truly be a struggle to reach your peak if you surround yourself with the right people. Are you unhappy? Then take a moment to look around you. The people you surround yourself with, are they bringing you down or helping you grow?
- Negativity. This is the same as being around toxic people. YOU don’t want to be that toxic person to your friends either! Life is not easy, you will have your ups and downs like everyone else. Everyone shares the same amount of time to do what they need to do. Successful people make their time matter. Instead of complaining about how things would have, could have, should have….successful people find areas to appreciate, look for a better solution, fix the problem and move on. And if they really can’t solve it, they accept the consequences and move onto the next battle in life. I remember my dad didn’t want me over at one of my aunt’s house when I was younger. Later I realized it’s cause she was one of those stereotypical housewives that loves to gossip. Most gossip is about other people’s lives and usually combined with negative commenting. This is one thing successful seem to avoid and distancing themselves from it. I have naturally developed an annoyance to complainers. What usually works is just simply ask them, how do you plan to solve the problem? And if they keep rambling, I know it’s time to give up on them.
- Fear. Fear has been wired into our brains since the cavemen era. The fight or flight mentality was to maintain human survival. Well, we do live in a different world, and most of the time when we “fear” it’s really just an emotion fueled by your own imagination. Especially when we venture into the unknown, that fear seems to be magnified! It’s an uncomfortable, nervous, worrisome feeling. If you pay attention, that same feeling is felt when you are excited about something. The only difference is how your brain perceives it. Successful people tend to find this “fear” euphoric, a challenge that they need to conquer. If you can practice in changing your perception of fear next time you face something unknown, you can be one step ahead of others. You only live once, don’t let fear hold you back in life. If it won’t kill you, or you aren’t doing anything illegal, go for it! What’s the worst that can happen? Failure? If you don’t even try, that guarantees failure!
- Time. Time is something people waste useless emotional effort on. You can’t change the past, you can learn from it. You can’t predict the future, but you can plan your best. So live in the moment and enjoy it to its fullest! Like fear, the past and the future are products of your mind. Successful people know how to accept their past, learn from it and move on. They prepare the best they can for the uncertain future and try to reach their full potential in the now. Mark Twain once said, Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.
- Others opinion. With the rise of social media, many of us begin of dreaming about living other people’s lives. We derive a sense of pleasure from comparing our lives with others. We worry about what others think of us, their opinions, judgements, and so on. How will you ever be free and happy if you’re always seeking someone else’s approval? You’re a slave to them. Successful people know how to turn that off, because they realize their self worth comes from within. Caring for what others think of you is a waste of time and energy. Successful people know what they have accomplished and know the potential they can reach. I personally get criticized for being a man child, unable to follow social norms, appear irresponsible. And I may not be the most successful example, but I earn a decent living which enables me to do what I want, spend what I want, travel the world and enjoy myself. In my personal blog Wuwulife, my motto is “the world is my playground”. In the end, the result is I am happy. I wonder about the people who have an opinion of my lifestyle? Do you think they are happier being “responsible” doing what they think society wants them to do?
- News Our world is a mess, and there is always something happening. That’s how the news keep us captivated. It’s like investing in the stock market. Every day the news affects the stock go up and down. But if a company has sound fundamentals, you don’t worry about the ups and downs and focus on the long term earnings. In life, successful people don’t get caught up with things they can’t control either. They understand it, plan for the best and prepare for the worst. They focus what is within their power. They are grateful for what they have, and all the positive sides of what is happening. They trust in their own abilities to improve their own daily lives and the world around them.
Success, lucky, positivity is driven by your mindset. Just like physical fitness, you need to put in hard work, build good habits and have discipline in your mind as well.
Everyone has hard times, but with the right mindset, you will get out of them much easier than others.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I would like to learn from you as well. Hopefully, more and more people can see that “the world is their playground” as well!